
c00kies@venice is a team of people interested in whatever floats around information security, hosted by the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics at Ca’ Foscari University (Venice, Italy) and a division of secgroup. We like to get hands-on in all kinds of security issues and participate in international hacking competitions.

Latest entries

25 Oct 2015 Hack.lu 2015 CTF Write-Up: Secret Library

Books are a great thing. And since libraries are a big amount of books you can read in one place, they’re great, too.

But this secret library some guys started is a bit different. You have to know the exact title of a book to get it, you can’t look around. So you have to know another person in the library who knows some book titles or you won’t be able to read anything. A bit like an invite-only library.

This whole thing seems weird. Could you poke around and try to figure out what they’re up to? If you could grab one of their books, that would be awesome.

connect to school.fluxfingers.net:1527

23 Oct 2015 Hack.lu 2015 CTF Write-Up: Prof. M. Eista Hax

Professor M. Eista Hax uses a digital tool to manage all his students. He is very happy with the system, but it does have one drawback: it does not support multiple users. This is a problem, because M. Eista Hax has employees who need access as well. To solve this he writes a super modern, highly encrypted web application to share the password with authorized users. Problem solved.

So… Get that key!


23 Oct 2015 Hack.lu 2015 CTF Write-Up: GuessTheNumber

The teacher of your programming class gave you a tiny little task: just write a guess-my-number script that beats his script. He also gave you some hard facts:

  • he uses some LCG with standard glibc LCG parameters
  • the LCG is seeded with server time using number format YmdHMS (python strftime syntax)
  • numbers are from 0 up to (including) 99
  • numbers should be sent as ascii string

You can find the service on school.fluxfingers.net:1523

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